Eating disorders are a major problem in the world today. Many young girls suffer from eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, or binge eating.

    What is bulimia? What is anorexia? What is binge eating?

Bulimia is where you eat and then throw it up afterwards so you never actually digest any food.

Anorexia is where you do not eat anything at all.

Binge eating is where you do not stop eating. You eat when you are bored, sad, angry, happy, or under a lot of stress. So maybe during testing times, crazy things at home, rumors at school. Things that would stress you out.

How do you know the difference between an eating disorder and a diet?

    Dieting is about losing weight in a healthy way.

Eating disorders are about supposedly trying to make your whole life "better" through food and eating, or lack of food and eating.
    Dieting is about doing something healthy for yourself not for anyone else.

Eating disorders are about trying to find approval and acceptance from everyone that has given you  negative attention.

    Dieting is about losing a little bit of weight healthfully.

Eating disorders are about how you think life won't be good until a lot of weight has been lost.
    Dieting is about getting to feel on the outside how good you already feel on the inside.

Eating disorders is where there is no concern for what kind of damage you may do to your body because you are trying to get to a certain weight.

    Dieting is about attempting to control your weight better.

Eating disorders is about being convinced that all your self esteem is based on what you weight and how you look.

    Dieting is about losing some weight to be healthy or feel healthier.

Eating disorders are about attempting to control your life and emotions through food or lack of food.

    More information on eating disorders:

Bulimia: Bulimia is where one usually binges on food and then throws it up or uses laxatives because they feel bad about eating the food. Bulimia is often more in girls than in guys, it is usually present in adolescent girls or young women. When you are bulimic you usually over exercise as well. Bulimia can cause cavities because acid, dry mouth, broken blood vessels in the eyes from straining, gingivitus, cuts or calluses on tops of fingers from forcing one self to puke, rashes, pimples, or dehydration. Very rarely will bulimics be hospitilised unless their bulimia is accompanied with anorexia. Depression usually accompanies anorexia and bulimia. Bulimia is usually caused by teasing, trauma, family issues, genetic, psychological, society, or cultural factors. Support groups is a great way to help people with bulimia, people with the same problem or people who have suffered from bulimia as well can really help you. Bulimia is very dangerous though. It can lead to constipation, dehydration, swelling of the throat, cavities, pancreatitis, or tears of the esphogaus. Bulimia can be a long term illness, even if you have been treated for bulimia some factors and symptoms can still be present.

Anorexia: Anorexia is when you starve yourself. Anorexia usually starts when puberty starts. Anorexics have a huge fear of becoming "fat". People with anorexia think they are very much overweight even when they are extremely thin, ill or even near death. Anorexia is a common factor in people who do activities where you need to be thin. Such as certain sports, cheer leading, dancing, theater, etc., When you are anorexic you are very obsessive about your calorie intake. Good news about anorexia: It can be overcome! One percent of all teenage girls in the U.S develop anorexia, and up to ten percent of that one percent can die of their anorexia habits.

Binge eating: When you binge you eat faster, more food, more calories and definitely too much. It is not healthy at all. It can lead to unhealthy weight, or obesity. When you are a binger you eat when you are sad, bored, alone, depressed or uncomfortable. Sometimes you eat when you are not even hungry. Binging may not be starving yourself or throwing up to look thinner but it is just as bad, you are still harming yourself.

    If you have any one of these eating disorders tell a friend, a family member, a teacher, your doctor, an adult you can trust or find a support group. But do please try to get better, because these eating disorders are beyond unhealthy.

*You are not fat nor are you ugly.*

If you feel overweight and would like to lose weight- be healthy about it. Go on a healthy diet. That diet can even be just eating less junk food and/or drinking less or no soda. But before you go on a diet or think about it, tell your parents about your idea or what you are thinking.

I hope that hearing this from someone your own age will help you become aware of the facts!
8/29/2011 10:58:26 am

I have issues with self confidence. I think I am over weight. everyone says that they think I look good, but I think i should lose some weight. I don't do much about it though? Help?

9/2/2011 12:49:32 pm

This comment is in reply to "3disorder@:/", we think that this comment is more of a personal issue and we would not like to make it very public on our website. Please email us at [email protected] or fill out the contact form in the upper right hand corner under "more". It is not that we do not want to help you with your issue, but unless you want it to be public we do not want to make it public, we find it is very personal and would love to help you just not on the site. We suggest telling someone you trust, we also suggest it be an adult, maybe a mentor or counselor. Again email us at [email protected] or fill out the contact form! Thank you so much!

The Teen View Team <3 xoxo


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    We are friends who believe the world should know what teenagers think about stuff, not what adults say that we think.