September 11, 2001 was a hard day for everyone. People died, people lost their family members, people were injured, people have diseases from the ash & smoke, people watched the towers fall or just watched it on t.v. - and this article is dedicated to all of those people, and all of our saviors, the firefighters, ambulances, doctors, nurses, police, anybody who helped. This article is for all of you. The anniversary of 9/11 is coming soon. Schools are watching 9/11 videos and learning all about it, people are remembering all about it, some are mourning.

The day of the attack:
    Family members are getting phone calls saying "They say they have a bomb", "I do not think the pilot is flying the plane anymore", "I love you, I do not know if I will make it, but I love you" and many more phone calls.
    Then at 8:46 a.m. flight eleven crashes into the first tower.
    People are on fire, people are jumping out of the towers not knowing what else to do, holding hands and praying, panicking... There is nothing to do but try to get out, and they all know that may not happen.
    At 9:02 a.m. flight 175 crashes into the second tower. Smoke is covering the city now.
    This is on every channel in the world. The news are replaying the videos of the towers crashing over and over again, not believing what they are seeing in front of them. People put up signs asking if anyone had seen their friend, their co-worker, their dad, their mom, their sister, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, brother, husband, wife, daughter, son, etc.,     At first we thought the first tower was an accident, then the second one came, we weren't quite so sure it was an accident anymore. Then the pentagon. We knew it was set up and that is was a terrorist attack.         Then the plane in Pennsylvania, we learned it was headed for the White House. The people on that flight were so brave. They took over the plane, and saved a lot of people. 9/11 is a soft spot for everyone.
    I remember my mom crying, and replaying the towers falling over and over again on the t.v. I was two. I was playing outside having no clue what was happening.
    My friend used to live in New York, her mother was saved because she had to pick up her daughter in another city. My teacher lived in New York, she helped students get away from the twin towers, she helped them walk to a fairy bout to Staten Island, saving their lives. Everyone lived. But a lot of people died.
    Everyone knows about 9/11 and it's effect on everyone in the world. Even plane security is tightened now. You cannot even bring your own drink on a plane, glass or even a pair of nail clippers. But we all understand. September 11, 2001 was a scary, frightful day for us all.         Could you imagine being in those towers or on one of the planes with your child? Telling them everything will be alright... When you know it won't be. Or seeing their worried faces, and knowing you can't do anything to protect them, but just love them, hug them, and hold them tight until everything is over. Not knowing what to say to your best friend, your child, your husband or your family member?

September 11, 2001 was a scary and sad day for us all. Filled with loss, hatred, sadness and disbelief.

We will NEVER forget.

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    We are friends who believe the world should know what teenagers think about stuff, not what adults say that we think.